Ru xia

Ru xia

Directed by Li Kao
Runtime minutes
Released 1967
IMDb Score: 5.9

Wo men yao dong fang

Wo men yao dong fang

Directed by Li Kao
Runtime minutes
Released 1972
IMDb Score:

Inside Forbidden City

Inside Forbidden City

Directed by Li Kao
Runtime minutes
Released 1965
IMDb Score: 6.8

Pa lao po shi da zhang fu

Pa lao po shi da zhang fu

Directed by Li Kao
Runtime minutes
Released 1971
IMDb Score:

The Fist of Justice

The Fist of Justice

Directed by Li Kao
Runtime minutes
Released 1973
IMDb Score: 4.4

Gui pi

Gui pi

Directed by Li Kao
Runtime minutes
Released 1970
IMDb Score: